I personally believe education and information on pregnancy prevention is a key part of preventing the majority of unplanned pregnancies. Choosing the birth control that is right for you can be an empowering experience. There are many different kinds of birth control options. They vary in price, difficulty to use, availability, side effects, and cost. What works well for one person may not be a good choice for another, so research your options and talk to your healthcare provider to make a birth control choice that works well for you.
However it's important to note that backing up your primary birth control with using a barrier method (such as a condom or contraceptive sponge for example) in addition to your regular birth control method will further provide protection from pregnancy & STDs.
Birth Control Comparisons
Feminist Women's Health Center's info on various methods of birth control. instructions for use, your health, advantages, disadvantages, preventing coercion, knowing your options.
E-Medicine Birth Control: Barrier Methods
Descriptions of the various methods, instructions for use, side effects, advantages, and disadvantages. These methods include: male condom, female condom, diaphragm, cervical cap, and sponge
E-Medicine Birth Control: Behavioral Methods
(See More Links Below on Abstinence)
Descriptions of the various methods, instructions for use, side effects, advantages, and disadvantages. These methods include: Continuous Abstinence, Coitus Interruptus, Natural Family Planning, Fertility Awareness Method, Other Methods of Periodic Abstinence, Breastfeeding, and Douching.
E-Medicine Birth Control: Hormonal Methods
Descriptions of the various methods, instructions for use, side effects, advantages, and disadvantages. These methods include: Birth Control Pills, 91-Day Birth Control Pills, Progestin-Only Birth Control Pills, Birth Control Patch, Vaginal Ring, Implant, Injections and Combination Injections.
E-Medicine Birth Control: Intrauterine Devices (IUDs)
Descriptions of the various types, placement, removal, side effects, advantages, and disadvantages. There are two types of IUDs, copper and hormonal.
E-Medicine Birth Control: Permanent Methods
Descriptions of the various types, placement, side effects, advantages, and disadvantages. These methods include: female sterilization by tubal ligation, female sterilization implants, and vasectomy.
E-Medicine Birth Control: Spermicides
Descriptions of the various methods, instructions for use, side effects, advantages, and disadvantages. Vaginal spermicides are available in forms such as foam, cream, jelly, film, suppository, or tablet.
E-Medicine: Birth Control FAQs
The Emergency Birth Control Organization
Comprehensive information about the "morning after pill" and emergency contraception.
Emergency Contraception (Wikipedia)
The Emergancy Contraception Website
"Emergency contraceptives are methods of preventing pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse. They do not protect against sexually transmitted infections. Emergency contraception can be used when a condom breaks, after a sexual assault, or any time unprotected sexual intercourse occurs. Do not use emergency contraceptives as your only protection against pregnancy if you are sexually active or planning to be, because they are not as effective as any ongoing contraceptive method."
Epigee: Reproductive Health Guide
A large section divided into categories: "Why Is My Period Late?", "Sexually Transmitted Diseases", "Dangerous [Health] Conditions (PID, ectopic pregnancy, cervical cancer, TSS), "Responsible Choices and You: Let's Talk About Safe Sex", and "Infertility"
Family Health International
FHI works to improve reproductive health around the world by increasing the number of safe, effective, acceptable and affordable contraceptive methods to ensure that women and men achieve their desired number and spacing of children.
Health Information for Teens: Contraception/Birth Control
"As a teenage girl or young woman, you may be starting to think about what it means to be involved in a sexual relationship. There are many things that you need to think about before you decide to have sex, including whether this is the right person, the right time in your life, and how you will feel if the relationship breaks up. If you do decide to have sex, you definitely need to think about how to prevent getting pregnant and how to protect yourself from getting a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD). Keep reading to find out what type of contraception is best for you and your partner."
Scarleteen: Birth Control Bingo
Click through a series of detailed questions to narrow down your own best methods, become a pro on what method your partner is using, or windowshop in-depth info pages on each contraceptive option. With 25 integrated pages of teen and twentysomething-specific information, plenty of links, questions and answers, we've done our very best to help you protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy.
Taking Charge of Your Fertility
"Welcome to all who are interested in learning more about the Fertility Awareness Method as a means of natural pregnancy avoidance as well as basic gynecological health."
Abstinence: Non-Religious Articles and Websites
Epigee: Abstinence
Abstinence: A Guide for Teens
America Pure
Students speak, write, and draw about the value of abstinence until marriage.
Article: How To Know if You're Ready For Sex
Life Athletes
Life Atheletes are Professional and Olympic athletes who are committed to living lives of virtue, abstinence, and respect life. A Life Athlete tries to treat others honestly and fairly. They recently expanded their membership to include all those willing to make the Life Athletes Commitment.
Not Me Not Now
Increases awareness of the consequences of teenage pregnancy, promotes sexual abstinence as the solution to the problem of teenage pregnancy, and promotes improved parent-child communications.
A hard look at statistics on pre-marital sex, unwanted or unplanned pregnancy, STDs, and AIDS
Responsible Choices and You: Let's Talk About Safe(r) Sex
"I frequently receive e-mail and questions about birth control and sexuality, and I am glad to answer these questions whenever possible. However, I have noticed that a number of people are participating in what I would term "reckless sexuality" -- situations or patterns of behavior that will lead to unfortunate consequences. I attempt to respond to what I have noticed are the most common problems facing couples."
Sex and Single Women: No One's Invented a Contraceptive Against Hurt
Looking at reasons to wait until marriage
Straight Talk
To promote the benefits of chastity education and support youth in their decision to postpone sexual activity until marriage; and to help youth gain confidence in their decision making and to build self esteem
Subverse Virginity by Sarah E. Hinlicky
A look at abstinence and feminism, and why abstinence until marriage is cool.
Truth for Youth
Truth 4 Youth is an organization that seeks to provide an alternative to pop culture's views on teenage relationships and sexual intimacy.
Turris Eburnia
A website devoted to young people, particularly to young women, which deals with many aspects of relationships and sexuality. The information is available in English, Spanish, French, Polish, Russian, Italian, German and Portugese.
What is Healthy Love? - Highly Recommended!
36 questions and answers on relationships and practicing abstinence.
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