Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Let Us Be Thoughtful and Thankful

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and with it a time for us to consciously stop and consider all that we have to be thankful for. Although we live in a world full of tragedies and evil, there also lies goodness. I'm going to list what I'm thankful for here, in subsequent days leading up to Thanksgiving. It will be a challenge, indeed, but a good one, because thankfulness is a discipline that requires most of all the ability to see the good things all around us. I hope you'll join in and let me know what you're thankful for by posting in the comments section.
1. Freedom: to practice the religion of my choosing or not practice at all, the right to work, and the right to have a voice and vote
2. My Family: although we may not always see eye to eye as I am becoming an independent adult, I still will always love you
3. My Grandparents and also neighbor "Richard C.": You Have Much Insight and Wisdom to Pass On
4. To be Alive: Two life-threatening medical emergencies arose this year for myself and yet here I am. I'm glad to be alive and in good health.
5. My Best Friends: You know who you are. Thank you for being there through the hard times and by my side to laugh through the good times.
6. My Best Friend and the Love of My Life, "B": I just want to let you know that I love you very much. We've been through some hard times together, but we've made it though. You truly are my guardian angel. Thank you for being there through the hard times and by my side to laugh through the good times.
7. Food on the Table
8. Clothing and Shoes to Wear
9. A Higher Power Looking Out for My Health and Safety
10. Having a Job which I Enjoy and Pays the Bills
11. My Supervisor and the People I Work With...Even the Difficult Ones
12. Chocolate
13. A Car that Runs: Despite it's age (10 yrs), my car runs with little trouble.
14. Our Two Cats: They've brought us companionship, comfort, and laughter, they're practically members of our family
15. Indoor Plumbing/Electricity
16. Experiences Which Let me Walk in Others Shoes and Keeps Me Humble
17. Hot Chocolate and Warm, Soft, Chocolate Chip Cookies
18. Finding Wonderful Friendship and Support During Difficult Emotional Times
19. Thoughtful and Insightful Conversations with "B"s Mother
20. Good Books Which Comfort, Inspire, Make Me Think, and Entertain
21. A Home Which is Safe and Protects Me from the Weather
22. Discounts on Clothes and Books
23. Family Christmas Gatherings at my Grandparent's When I Was a Child
24. Fires in Our Fireplace on Cold Autumn/Winter Nights
25. To Have Gotten to Know my Stepgrandfather, "Darwin" Before He Died.
26. My Teachers: I've had some truly dedicated, patient, and caring teachers throughout my years in school, particularly Jerry E. and Sally L.
27. Computers: They simplify our way of life
28. Light through the Darkness: Finally overcoming years of clinical depression
29. Art Which Inspires: Having the spiritual guidance and inspiration of my aunt as I finished a chalk drawing, which she began years ago. And having inherited her artisitic talent. We love you and miss you, Mary Margaret.
30. Mr. Fred Rogers: You've been an inspiration to my creativity and helped me to grow. Thank you, Mr. Rogers
32. Sleeping Babies: The tranquility which comes with holding a peacefully sleeping baby.
33. Fingerpainting and Watercolors: Memories of my childhood
34. Quiet Moments
35. Our Firefighters and the Men and Women Serving Our Country
36. Minimal Traffic on the Interstate Highway
37. ...and Safe Arrivals For Myself, My Friends, and My Family at Their Destinations
38. Kisses and Hugs
39. T.V. Remote Controls
40. Getting to Sleep In On the Occasional Weekend
41. Accomplishments Which Make my Parents and Family Proud
42. Two Words: Star...Wars
43. Snow: Catching snowflakes on my tongue and rolling snowmen
44. Wildlife Refuges
45. Sunsets at the beach

Original Comments Made for This Entry...

CatS. wrote (11-15-2006):
Rachael, Your blog warmed my heart. You truly have a thankful heart and have the ability to express your blessings in such a pure way. I only have a few minutes to respond but will spend more time giving thought to my abundant blessings. I am thankful that God has blessed me with three incredible daughters, all three so unique, and all with good hearts, good minds and healthy bodies. I am thankful for a kind, patient and thoughtful husband that was truly meant to be my life partner. I am thankful for loving parents and my wholesome childhood. But most importantly, this year I am thankful that you can feel that you are blessed, you can feel the love of others and you can enjoy life once again.

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