Thursday, April 23, 2009

What to Expect When You're Expecting in College

The following is a documentary exploring the real basis of pregnancy in a college setting, created by  St. Loius University student, going by the monniker, PrettyInPink. Beginning  with portraying herself as an 8 month pregnant college student, she explores others reactions to pregnant and parenting college students. Also she interviews  parenting college students, explores the options available to pregnant and parenting college students, and explores the relationship of these elements with the Saint Louis University administration and stated values. Her reason behind this documentary?

I came up with the idea to do a movie about pregnancy when I was in need of a quick Halloween costume and sacrificed my scarf collection temporarily to fashion a quick belly with duct tape and a large t-shirt.
I thought some of the reactions to me were a bit interesting - I'm sure a few people were wondering whether it was a costume or not - so I thought it would be interesting to do a larger belly for a longer period of time.
The topic evolved into exploring the real basis of pregnancy in a college setting on St. Louis University's campus, which has unique qualities that are worth investigating. [Editor's Note - SLU is a Catholic university.]...

Specifically, it is interesting to see how the values of charity and chastity intertwine during these situations and how the structure of the university addresses them.

This is not a "pro-choice" or "pro-life" issue, although the discussion of pregnancy in the educational system may cause these kind of political issues to rise to the surface.
Women today faced with pregnancies legally have several options in front of them. But are they truly able to make these decisions freely? Or are they pressured by family, community, financial, or educational circumstances to make a choice they are not fully comfortable with? My motivation is to help women make these choices freely, and academia and communities need to be able to make accommodations freely available to women who need them.

In the first video, we are introduced briefly to SLU and 3 lovely students who have had children: Dana, Cassi, and Alex. Each has a story to tell and her own experiencesabout being a student and a mother on SLU's campus. Here we get a glimpse of what SLU is doing right and a few things that SLU might need to work on.

What to Expect When You're Expecting in College: Part 1 of 5

In Part 2, we learn more from the girls about the "lowest lows and highest highs," and about the accommodations they received. She asked different people in the St. Louis University community if they know what resources are available on campus and/or where to get it, and get some interesting answers. Then we are introduced to the 1st of 2 big pregnancy centers close by that cater to the students - Planned Parenthood. The representative explains PP's programs, agenda, and what happens when students or women come in the door with a positive pregnancy test.

What to Expect When You're Expecting in College: Part  2 of 5

In Part 3, she finishes looking into pregnancy options with ThriVe St. Louis, a pro-life pregnancy care center near the St. Louis University campus - what it offers and how it helps women. Then we are introduced to her project. She quickly outlines her experience of portraying myself as 8 months pregnant for 2 weeks on campus. Then the SLU community tells us what they thought about her "pregnancy."

What to Expect When You're Expecting in College: Part 3 of 5

In Part 4, she approaches the issues of the frequency of pregnancy on college campus, social reactions, and stigma towards pregnant college students. She interviews students, asking them how frequently they see pregnant college students and what their reactions were. Also, she interviews members of the faculty about their approach to pregnant students.

What to Expect When You're Expecting in College: Part 4 of 5

Summary of Part 5 Coming...

What to Expect When You're Expecting in College: Part 5 of 5

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Fair, Balanced, Unbiased Reporter Seeks Negative Experiences with Crisis Pregnancy Centers UPDATE

Back in February of 2006, I discovered and disclosed Marie Claire magazine reporter Siobhan O'Connor requesting negative experiences with Crisis Pregnancy Centers for a biased article she was writing. In response, I encouraged others to take action and share their own experiences with CPCs, while also writing this article bebunking pro-choice myths about CPCs. Other blogs picked up my article and the positive response was overwhelming. As a result the article was never published in Marie Claire magazine. Now an update. I recently discovered Ms. O'Connor went on to write and publish a negative article on CPCs May 2007 in Good Magazine, entitled, "Playing Doctor: The pro-life movement's new plan for family planning" Reader responses at the article have been mixed, but please be sure to share your own experience with a crisis preganancy center, whether you were a client or a volunteer, with others at this article and in your community. Also, you can support your local CPC through volunteering your time or donating.

Myths and Facts About Pregnancy Resource Centers
A comprehensive and investigative report looking at the accusations leveled against CPCs by pro-choice organizations, using facts and documentation in response.

Fake Story About a Fake Clinic?
A Planned Parenthood sent out an action alert mass e-mail to drum up support for a bill targeting allegedly deceptive advertising by crisis pregnancy centers, using a questionable ancedote about a CPC in Indiana. The ancedote in question is explored more in depth with some investigative reporting.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition has come to Indiana!

Indianapolis Family To Get 'Extreme Makeover'
Estridge To Construct Home For Family In Need
POSTED: 7:35 am EDT March 16, 2009
INDIANAPOLIS -- ABC's "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" has chosen an Indianapolis family to be the recipient of a new home. Every Sunday night on ABC and RTV6, the show's crew changes the lives of a family in need, tearing down their home and building them a brand new one in just one week.
The Estridge Companies, a central Indiana homebuilder, will be take on the project. Mayor Greg Ballard was part of an official announcement Monday morning.
"This will not only help a deserving family, but it also will demonstrate to the world how this community works together to honor and support its everyday heroes," Ballard said.
The Indianapolis family, whose identity won't be revealed until later this month, was chosen for the show's season finale, which airs on May 17.
"In a couple of weeks, Ty Pennington (show host) will knock on the door and the family will know for the first time," said Paul Estridge Jr., president of the company.
The show, in its sixth season, has won back-to-back Emmy Awards as Best Reality Program.
"There are many dimensions of this that are quite transforming, to not only this tremendous model of an American family, but also the entire neighborhood," Estridge said. "More than any other show, this show will go beyond the four walls and reach out into the neighborhood."
Times are tough for homebuilders, and the decision to take part in the project was not one that Estridge took lightly.
"It was one of the most challenging decisions our company had to make, because as everyone knows, if you're a homebuilder today … you're struggling to try to make the right decisions," Estridge said. "We're certainly no different than any other builder, but this opportunity is really an extension of our company's values."
Estridge has built more than 7,500 homes in its 42-year history.
Updates on the project as well as airing date can be found at the link above on the WTHR Channel 6 website.
I'm so excited, both that the producers have chosen this well deserving individual and that the show has come to my area! :D

New Website Offers Incredible Array of Images & Movies of the Developing Human

The Endowment for Human Development is a website showing the developing unborn in astonishing detail, using scientific images and details. And one gallery of movies provides subtitles in over 90 languages. This is a great pro-life resource. Pass it on.

Other Great Scientific Prenatal Development Sites Include:

Multi-dimensional Human Embryo

University of New South Wales Embryology Website

The Visible Embryo

H/T to Suzanne at Big Blue Wave

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Story of Hope....

The Story of Faith Hope

A diagnosis of anencephaly has not stopped this young single mom from embracing every day, every moment, of her child's life. A chance at life and joy, even if brief, which would of been taken from this mother and child, had she had an abortion. And a wonderful story of hope and encouragement for other mothers experiencing this devastating diagnosis.

H/T Christina at Real Choice

If you're facing a poor prenatal diagnosis, please check out Be Not Afraid where you'll find other mothers stories and hope.